Welcome to Lifeofpic, an image website that provides a platform for users to download and share high-quality pictures. Before accessing or using our website, please read and understand the following disclaimer.
- Image Rights
- All images on Lifeofpic are Creative Commons Zero (CC0) or are royalty-free. However, we do not own the copyright for all images, and some may be subject to third-party rights. Therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary rights and permissions before using or modifying any image from our website.
- Accuracy of Information
- We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on our website, including image descriptions and tags. However, we cannot guarantee that all information is accurate, complete, or up-to-date. Therefore, we do not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the information provided.
- Liability for Damages
- We do not accept liability for any damages arising from the use or inability to use our website or its content. This includes direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, loss of data, income, or profit, or damages resulting from viruses, bugs, or other malicious software.
- User Responsibility
- Users of Lifeofpic are responsible for their own actions and use of our website. This includes ensuring that any downloaded images are used in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and that all necessary permissions and rights have been obtained.
- Changes to Disclaimer
- We reserve the right to change or update this disclaimer at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer periodically to ensure that you are aware of any changes.
By accessing or using Lifeofpic, you agree to be bound by this disclaimer. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, you should not use our website.